Rainwater harvesting
What is Rainwater harvesting?
Collection and storage of rainwater, to then re-use within house and garden.
Why Rainwater harvesting?
- Reduce water bills
- Have soft, lime scale free water for washing machines and toilets
- Earn brownie points in case of planning permissions
- Water your garden, even during a hose pipe ban
- Building control limits amount of surface water run off into drains- on new build homes, harvesting could be an effective way to deal with this
What to use rainwater for?
- Garden irrigation
- Toilet flushing
- Car washing
- Laundry
- Drinking and bathing- although not very common
What are the options and costs involved?
- Water butts <£100
- Storage Tank with pump for gardens, car washing and other external requirements <£1k
- Storage Tank with pumps, pipes, mains back up and control system for whole house
Filtering and disinfecting systems to be included £3k-£4k
With rain water shortages happening even in a rainy country like the UK, Rainwater Harvesting is becoming a popular choice. If you are looking to renovate your property, do consider this a great option- make your home sustainable!